Lori Yuan | 江佩芬

Redding, CA

English, Mandarin and Taiwanese

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Upgrade Your Beliefs

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Break Destructive Habits

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江佩芬(Lori)2008年在BSSM三年級畢業後, 加入伯特利教會轉化中 ⼼,擔任Sozo諮商師。 2011年她成為⼀名Sozo培訓師,她也是⼀名 經過認證的Career Direct ®顧問和財務Sozo的諮商師。

江佩芬熱衷於幫助⼈們恢復與神的關係,體驗⾝體、靈魂和精神的完 整,並活出耶穌捨⾝所賜予的豐盛⽣命。 除了⽤英語、普通話和台語 進⾏個⼈sozo、財務sozo和諮商外,她還熱衷於通過教導Sozo、童年負 ⾯經歷、界線和⼼意更新⼯作坊來裝備神的⼦⺠。她在台灣已經幫助 訓練和建立了幾個Sozo團隊。

江佩芬與袁志誠(Mark)結婚30多年,他們有四個可愛的成年⼦ 女。 她喜歡⼤⾃然,吃美食,也喜歡閱讀和研究。


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江佩芬 (Lori)其他事工…

  • 伯特利教會牧師
  • 伯特利教會轉化中心教牧諮商師
  • 生涯指引顧問
  • 線上中文裝備課程請洽 www.sozochinese.org
  • 童年負面經驗、界線和心意更新工作坊
Lori Yuan

After completing three years at BSSM in 2008, Lori joined the Transformation Center as a Sozo minister and pastoral counselor. She has been a Sozo trainer since 2011. She also is a certified Career Direct ® Consultant and Financial Sozo facilitator.

Lori is passionate about helping individuals restore their connection to God, experience wholeness in body, soul and spirit, and live the abundant life that Jesus died for. In addition to doing individual sozo, financial sozo and counseling in English, Mandarin and Taiwanese she also have a heart to equip God's people through teaching Sozo, ACEs, Boundaries, and Renewing the Mind workshops. She has helped train and build several Sozo teams in Taiwan over the past few years.

Lori has been married to Mark over 30 years and they have four lovely adult children. She enjoy being in nature and eating gourmet food, as well as reading and researching due to her background in Library and Informational Sciences.

Schedule with Lori Yuan (email)

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Lori does a lot more ...

  • Assistant pastor (Pastoral Care) Consultant
  • Pastoral counselor at Bethel Church Transformation Center
  • Career Direct ® Consultant
  • Online Chinese courses at www.sozochinese.org
  • ACEs, Boundaries, and Renewing the Mind workshops
Lori Yuan

Schedule Your Financial Sozo® with Lori

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I am Part Of The Financial Sozo® Network

Certified Financial Sozo® facilitators must be part of the Financial Sozo Network for accountability, mentoring, and skill development. Our membership renews annually and requires lead facilitator experience in the Bethel Sozo ministry.

If I am not a good fit for you, we have facilitators around the world who can meet with you in person or over a video call.

Certified Financial Sozo Member
Dear Lori teacher, I am so grateful for having this opportunity to go through the financial sozo with Lori Teacher. It was so much insight. The root cause was found in my life. It helped me in several areas. 1. To broken up poverty mindset which go back to the identity issue that was “I do not really know how to love myself well”. 2. To clarify the boundary between me and my family, to identify where the false responsibility is, to take the ownership and to avoid to carry the responsibility that doesn’t belong to us. I can see myself as a first born son that is really affected deeply in Asia culture. 3. Going to the roots and knowing how i managed my money was affected by my original family. And got starting to use some tools like budgeting, and the healthy way to confront my family, rather than not to communicate. 4. Healed and forgiven the earthly father’s teaching and wounds , and also realized that he actually had no clues for the financial habits cause no body taught him when he was young as well.

我很感激有這個機會和Lori老師⼀起做財務Sozo。 真是太有洞 ⾒了,幫我找到我問題的根源。


1.打破貧困思維,回到“我真的不知道如何好好愛⾃⼰”的⾝份 問題。

2、明確我和家⼈的界線,找出虛假的責任在哪裡,承擔責 任,避免承擔不屬於我們的責任。 意識到我⾝為⻑⼦的責任觀 是深受亞洲文化的影響。

3.追根溯源,知道⾃⼰理財的⽅式,受原⽣家庭的影響。 並開 始使⽤⼀些⼯具,如預算,以及與家⼈⾯對⾯溝通的健康⽅ 式,⽽不是不溝通。

4.原諒我⽗親的教導和傷害,也意識到他實際上對財務習慣毫 無頭緒,因為他年輕時也沒有⼈教過他。